Crowdfund, Money & Pirates


To get started and get the first boat afloat the project need at least 1100 Eth ($100,000 USD) to survive for a year

Funds are capped at a safety limit of 11111.1 Eth ($999,999 USD)

The crowdfund will last 8 weeks

Supporters each get two tokens:

  • A single, non-transferable Citizenship token
  • 1000 Entropy for 1.0 eth

Funds are held in the adapted multisig wallet and used mostly to purchase, setup and fit out the first hackspace boat.

Stretch Goals

Project Entropy tries to tie in the digital world of cryptocurrency with the tangible world. The team is aware that a project like this does not promise backers the same form of returns as some typical ICO's. Therefore we split the successful crowdfund into 3 steps, should none of these goals be reached, the crowdfund will be returned to the initial backers

  • $100,000: MVP. Small but ocean going boat of around US$40,000-$50,000 and funds for refit and cruising in mainly one area (e.g. South East Asia, Mediterranean Sea, US East Coast or Pacific Islands) depending of where the boat is purchased and what the crowd decides to do)
  • $250,000: Solid. A bigger boat that is better suited for a hackspace (e.g. catamaran), refit and running costs for a year. Ocean crossings are planned and circumnavigation is aimed for
  • $500,000+: Funds allow for a bigger, or additional boat to host more people


Slow trade directly from producer (e.g. coffee, rum or tea), bought with bitcoin or ether

Sponsorship on sail: place your logo/message on the sail

+normal membership merits like voting rights, right to come aboard to crew etc

Everyday Money

The project is funded in Ether, the world does yet not accept Ether easily. To keep the boat/s running, there needs to be systems in place to convert Ether to Bitcoin or local currencies. To achieve that Ether can be traded where the boats lie with locals or prepaid crypto visa cards used.

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